KIOSK solutions
Introduction of printing solutions for information terminals
(KIOSK) which issues coupons or tickets or for automatic fare
adjustment machines in hotels, hospitals or parking areas.
Introduction of printing solutions for information terminals
(KIOSK) which issues coupons or tickets or for automatic fare
adjustment machines in hotels, hospitals or parking areas.
Self-service information terminals “KIOSK” enable us to access necessary information and use various services. We see them recently here and there in commercial facilities like convenience stores and department stores, in medical care facilities or in facilities for travel. Although, recently in Japan, streets are filled with so many KIOSK terminals that it makes us to call Japan “KIOSK paradise”, it got first introduced to Japan in 1984 to the system called “CAPTAIN” providing information of characters and screens by using analogue telephone lines by Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Public Corporation (current : NTT (Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation) ). This system was installed mainly in local governments and public facilities and was used for providing information about living and for train seats reservation, etc. After that, KIOSK terminals were installed for revisiting reception systems in hospitals or airport facilities as well as got used in distribution industry and now they are widely spread. Up to now, we have supplied lots of our products to these KIOSK terminal vendors.
KIOSK terminals are used in various markets for point terminals, information terminals, issuing tickets and coupons issuing machines, terminals for searching, reception terminals, reservation terminals or in convenience stores, etc. They are considered to be so important that business continuity seems to get damaged without KIOSKs particularly in Japan where labor cost is high. New services with KIOSKs like introduction of electronic money will appear in the future. We will continue to provide our products with improving functionality, operability, environmental-tolerance and endurance to the system vendors in order to meet all customers’ needs.
KIOSKs (self-service information terminals) are considered to be so important that business continuity seems to get damaged without them in Japan. Now streets are filled with them.
Not a few KIOSKs are placed and operated outdoors as well as some are placed and operated indoors. Responding to severe environmental conditions in a particular season is also required.
Our products have been accepted by customers while we have been developing printers available for using under all environmental conditions with high operability and usability in order to meet all customers’ needs and we have been proposing them to customers requesting better systems.
We have already achieved the KIOSK printers top share vendor position in Japan now. We are also proud of providing prompt support and maintenance services.
We have increased our technical skills by responding sincerely to the needs from various customers and we are going to develop and provide new and innovative KIOSK printers always in the future.